Prep School
Barney Celebration
Please make a separate booking for each adult in your party (you do not need to book your children in).
Session 1 - 9.00-9.15
Session 2 - 9.15-9.30
Session 3 - 9.30-9.45
The activities are taking place in various classrooms around the School and are accessible for all children and parents. Alternatively, should you not wish to book a specific activity, please feel free to explore Prep School with the additional activities that are on offer. Let us know by opting for the “Explore Prep School” link further down the page.
We look forward to having all parents together in the Chapel for session 4 with Mr Dawson before Prep School Sports Day.
Session 4 - 9:45-10:00
Chapel with Mr Dawson – A variety of vocal warm up sessions for parents to enjoy.
School Fields – Ready for Sports Day
Exploration of areas
Welcome to Reception! In this short session, you will be given the opportunity to explore where it all starts, visit the inventors corner, try modelling with the play doh, what will you find in the sand pit and even explore our outdoor environment. There is never a dull moment in here. Come along and have a look at what is going on in this busy place.
In this session, you will have the opportunity to try some typical activities which raise your phonic knowledge using a holistic approach - visual, aural, and physical. Join us to test your phonic awareness in some fun activities.
En Vacances
Would you like to get ready for your Summer holiday to France? Come along and learn in a fun and creative way how to order your favourite ice cream.
Inventions - Lava Lamps
Some year groups have been looking at water displacement and we decided to merge this with inventions and create a lava lamp. Come along and get creative, and make your very own to take home.
PSHCEE - Kindness Hands
As part of our PSHCEE lessons, we cover a variety of topics. In this session, we invite you to draw around your hands and write a reflective and thoughtful message to yourself.
Junior Duke
Junior Duke - come and find out more about some of the life skills we learn in Junior Duke. Try your hand at some First Aid, as you never know when you might need it!
Learn how to successfully use watercolours and be part of a huge collaborative piece of art. Whether you think you are ‘arty’ or not, come along, unleash your creativity and perfect your skills. Most importantly of all, have some fun!
We have had lots of fun solving and making cryptic clues. Come and see if you have what it takes to make and solve some encrypted messages. Here is a taster: Dv ollp ulidziw gl hvvrmt blf.
Skeletal and Muscular Systems
Come along and learn about the human body and test how much you know about our bodies. Can you identify where all the bones and muscles are located?
Strategic Maths Games
Come along for a beginner's guide to game theory and strategic maths games. Explore how the unfair can be presented as fair and how sometimes, the game is rigged from the start. We will be looking at a range of dice and chance games to see if we can work out the best way to play, if your Maths is sharp, you may just be able to gain the upper hand!
Come and try out some Macbeth related activities: can you create a statue of a King? A witch? Can you have an argument using only the words ‘yes’ and ‘no’? And, as Shakespeare was a true inventor of language, can you create some memorable insults, Shakespeare-style?
Wellbeing is a key part of our day at Prep School, so come along and experience listening to one of our many mindful stories, chill out with another cuppa and spend a few minutes colouring, we promise you will leave feeling so much more refreshed.
Forest School
Come along to Forest School to have a go at making some ‘hapa zome’, your own wood cookie or even just explore our lovely site.
Explore Prep School: 9:00 - 9:45
I will explore other areas of the School with my child/children from the following additional activities that are on offer below.
Additional Activities on Offer:
Library – Pupils in Prep School have produced some fantastic Takeaway homework this term; why don't you come to the Library to have a look? Here in Prep School, pupils enjoy watching Newsround daily, keeping up to date with current affairs and debating relevant topics with their peers. This is supplemented with newspapers the children can read at their leisure: the sudoku has proved to be very popular!
Science Lab - If experimenting is your thing, head over to the Science Lab where a range of self-led experiments await. All doable with everyday household items, these investigations give you the chance to get messy in the safety of the lab!
Art Room - The children love spending time in the Art & Technology room. On display, you will see a selection of the projects that have been completed this term. From the House Art Competition entries to judderbots, blueprints to balloon powered dragsters and everything in between.
Astro - Netball and Football challenge. This is your chance to see how many goals you can score. Who will score the most in one minute? Add your name to the challenge board.
Atkinson Hall – Now that we are free from Covid restrictions, the pupils have enjoyed some excellent day trips, residential adventures and even a sleepover at School! Come and look at some of the memories we have created.
Atkinson Hall Corridor - Special Events: As if the School day wasn't busy enough, we also cram lots of special events into every term. We are always amazed by the effort the pupils put into these and are so grateful for the support from parents that makes this all possible.
Prep School Photo Hunt - Once you are steeped in small things, you can safely attempt big things. Included in this leaflet are photos of places around Prep School - how many can you find? As you move around the Prep School site, keep your eyes open to see if you can spot where all of the small details are.
Year 6 Classroom (we call it the ‘Manglish’(Maths and English) Room!) - Do call in to see some of our Achievement Award topic work in a variety of subjects. We have completed a unit of work for each curriculum subject and examples can be viewed here.
Year 6 Corridors - Industrial Revolution Projects - Come and see some of the incredible Achievement Award project work created by the Year 6 pupils for their History topic, based upon the question ‘What did the Victorians Do For Us?’
Junior Dukes - Micro/Mini/Junior Duke Awards: in Prep School, we have an award for every child to work towards during activity time. The challenges are based on life skills related to their age. The children have had so much fun completing their first awards this year and cannot wait to start their next ones. Each child receives a certificate and badge, along with their journal, once they have completed the required number of challenges.
LAMDA room - The History of Prep School: Every Founders Day, we hold a service of thanks for those who were instrumental at the beginning of Prep School. In here are some of the key photos that tell our history.
‘Blue Doors’ Foyer - Fundraising at Prep School: Throughout the year, we hold some 'traditional' fund raising events like supporting Comic Relief or Children in Need. Additional causes that we support come from the pupils' suggestions in School Council meetings.
Once the sessions have finished, we will all make our away to the School Fields for Sports Day.